Online EPC pre check


  • Assess your building's suitability for EPC !

    This tool helps you conduct a quick 5min assessment of whether your building may be suitable for Energy Performance Contracting!

    EPC is the provision of energy services with guaranteed energy savings. All energy saving measures are implemented by an Energy Service Company (ESCO) and financed from the resulting savings with no risk to the building manager as energy savings are contractually agreed.
    By using EPC, you can benefit from long-term reduction of energy consumption and other operational costs, improve comfort levels in your buildings, significantly reduce of CO2 emissions, and have more time to manage your core business while contributing to your 33% public sector energy targets.

    Find out in less than 5min if EPC works for your building...

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696040.